Monday, July 27, 2020

13 Interview Attire Mistakes That Can Sabotage your Job Search

13 Interview Attire Mistakes That Can Sabotage your Job Search Dress for Job Interview Success What Not to Wear Job search is all about first impressions. You want your appearance to convey a confident, respectful, professional and prepared job-seeker. Remember, you are ‘on stage’and this interview day is your BEST day. Obviously, you want the interviewer to concentrate on your skills, qualifications, and fit with their job description specifications. However, if you look disheveled or too casual, you may be remembered for the wrong reasons. Interviewers know that what you wear is not your normal day-to-day attire, and it may not even be the everyday style of their office. First and foremost, understand the product or service of the company. Applying for a position with a law firm requires a different ‘attitude’ in dressing than for an internet company or manufacturing facility. However, during my 30 years as a hiring manager and candidate, I have never heard an interviewer complain that “they came in too nicely dressed”. Following are 13 mistakes that WILL derail your ability to make a professional first impression and may undermine your ability to WIN that job. A special thanks to my mother, Ilse Metchek, a fashion icon and President of the California Fashion Association (CFA). For Men: Men’s Suits Mistake #1: Wearing a suit with bold colors, large prints, stripes, plaids or funky patterns Correction: Wear a jacket in a dark, solid color such as navy or charcoal/gray Mistake #2: Wearing a suit jacket with pants that don’t match Correction: If you wear a 2-piece suit, be sure it matches, or wear a blazer and slacks â€" no jeans! Mistake #3: Wearing a suit made of an exotic fabric such as suede, leather or velvet Correction: Wear a jacket of neutral fibers (depending on the season) like wool, a wool blend, cotton, or linen. Mistake #4: Wearing a garment that doesn’t fit. Correction: Anything too large or too small is a dead give-away that it is not yours! Invest in ONE ‘interview’ outfit; it’s worth it! Men’s Socks and Footwear: Mistake #5: Wearing no socks, short socks, or socks with large prints, patterns or bright colors. Correction: Wear socks mid-calf length so no skin is visible when you sit down. Generally, your socks should match the bottom of your slacks. Mistake #6: Wearing dress boots, athletic shoes, deck shoes, crocs, sandals, flip flops Correction: Wear leather shoes with or without laces; dressy loafers are OK for a casual facilityâ€"shinier materials, such as patent leather, are too dressy Mistake #7: Wearing a short-sleeve shirt, collarless shirt, ill-fitting shirt, rolled up sleeves or wrinkled shirt Correction: Wear a well-pressed, long-sleeve, button-down-the-front shirt with a collar. The shirt should fit your neck perfectly (If it is too tight, it will look strained and if neckline is too large your tie will drag the collar shirt down). Here’s the trick: hang your shirt in or around a steamy shower for about 5 minutes to get the wrinkles out. Mistake #8: Wearing bold shirts in flashy colors or prints Correction: Choose a solid or conservatively striped shirt Men’s Ties: Mistake #9: Wearing a flashy tie, a tie with religious, political or sports symbols, or with cartoon characters Correction: Wear a tie with neat repeating patterns or a traditionally striped tie. When in doubt, be on the conservative side Men’s Jewelry: Mistake #10: Wearing excessive amounts of jewelry , or body jewelry (ear, eyebrow, nose rings) Correction: Limit yourself to a watch and one ring per hand For Women While many of the mistakes and appropriate recommendations above apply to women as well, there are a couple of additional points for women: Suit: Wear a pant suit or a knee-length skirt suit Hosiery: When wearing a skirt suit, wear neutral or flesh-tone stockings. In spite of the no-hosiery trend, this interview needs to be your BEST day so err on the formal side. Shoes: Wear a low-heel shoe versus flats or 4+-inch high heels; no sandals, tennis shoes or flip flops. Depending on the season, boots are OK too. Necklines: Too low a neckline can give the interviewer the wrong impression. Button up your blouses. Do not show any undergarment shoulder straps. Hemlines: Wear a suit that reaches the middle of the knee or 1-2 inches below the knee. When legs are crossed, the interviewer may be given the wrong impression. Perfumes: Do not wear any. Some interviewers may be allergic and you don’t want to leave an impression of your perfume in their office all day. Additionally, aromas are very subjective; the interviewer may just not like your scentever. All Genders: Briefcase / Portfolio / Pen: Mistake #11: Not having anything with you to take notes with. Not having copies of your resume. Correction: Bring in a portfolio or briefcase with a clean pad and pens (have back-up!), multiple copies of your resume, notes you have taken to prepare for the interview, including questions you will ask them, and a copy of the job description. Toss in a bottle of water and a nutritional bar in case you are waiting or are given a short break. All Genders: Cell phone: Mistake #12: Talking or texting on your way into the interview area â€" or worse yet, taking a call during the interview. Your cell phone should be off once you are on the premises. Correction: Turn off your cell phone as soon as you step out of your vehicle or transportation. Trick: Put a big yellow sticky note on your portfolio to remember. All Genders: Hats or Sunglasses: Mistake #13: Wearing a hat or sunglasses in the building for your meeting. Correction: Do not wear a hat and remove sunglasses immediately upon entering the building. (No sunglasses up on top of your headâ€"remove them completely) These recommendations are for the traditional, conservative industries. If you’re pursuing a position in the creative or artistic field, you may need to adjust these recommendations. However, always err on the conservative side of the industry unless you feel you simply could not be happy working in a somewhat conservative environment. Remember, this is your BEST day and you want to be remembered for your “total package”, including the presentation of your skills and capabilities. Yes, dressing for success is important. As Shakespeare said, “All the world is a stage and we are merely players”.the interview is your ‘stage’. At you will get a lot more guidance on how to win a job.

Monday, July 20, 2020

6 Simple Steps to Successful Resume Writing

6 Simple Steps to Successful Resume WritingThe star method is one of the most effective methods of resume writing. It is basically based on four simple steps, each step is essential in making your resume successful.First step - this is the first step towards a fresh resume. This step makes your resume more colorful and more appealing.Second step - this is the one that makes the paper come alive. Make sure that you write every single word as clearly as possible. You should also make sure that you do not cut and paste what you have written on the paper, you should carefully copy the paper. It is much better to take a letter opener or stapler and gently open up each of the letters to ensure that all the lines are readable.Fourth step - this is the step that makes the text all the more compelling. The text is not only convincing but is also attractive. You should try to make your resume as appealing as possible.Fifth step - this is the one that takes the writing from creative to professi onal. This step makes your resume as professional as possible. You should always ensure that your resume is clear and crisp and is well organized.Sixth step - this is the final step and it takes the writing to another level. This is the stage where your resume truly becomes memorable. You should try to make it as unique as possible and try to give your resume a professional touch.After completing these six steps, your resume will be a great success and the star method will make it a success. Try following these steps in your own resume writing and you will surely be a winner!Resume writing is very important and you should always have a professional approach towards it. Many people think that all you need to do is follow the simple steps mentioned above and you can get great results. However, these steps will go a long way in improving your resume writing and you will make sure that your resume comes out better than ever before.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Thank You Email For Resume Writing - Motivate Yourself and Your Career

<h1>Thank You Email For Resume Writing - Motivate Yourself and Your Career</h1><p>Thank you email for continue composing is perhaps the most ideal approaches to offer thanks to the individuals who work with you. Numerous individuals have thoughts that they are thankful to yet really to offer thanks to the individual that you work with can be probably the best thing you can do. A thank you email for continue composing can give all the fundamental inspiration and support to your activity hunt.</p><p></p><p>Resume composing can be troublesome and distressing now and again. So as to be effective, you have to locate the correct words to express your actual sentiments, your achievements, and what you truly need to achieve in your vocation. Composing an email for continue composing can be a basic procedure, particularly on the off chance that you utilize a dependable format or a customized apparatus. A significant advance in email for continue compo sing is to expound on a particular position or experience that intrigues you and express your positive considerations about that job.</p><p></p><p>Thank you messages for continue composing can be exceptionally useful. It is a lot simpler to compose an email for continue composing in the event that you have an activity plan set up. You can set a time period, objectives to reach, and express your eagerness to buckle down. Likewise, you can utilize a clear format to print out a few examples of the sort of messages you will send to work candidates. When you make a decent framework, you will think that its simpler to adhere to the plan.</p><p></p><p>If you don't have a decent message or a decent technique for imparting your necessities, you will lose validity and may even make your odds of being employed more awful. Regardless of whether you are the just one dealing with the activity, you ought to recollect that everybody is vieing for a si milar pool of candidates. This will make the entirety of the candidates turn out similarly, which could mean employing you.</p><p></p><p>Thank you messages for continue composing is a snappy and simple approach to get things in the groove again. At the point when work experiences, it is a smart thought to thank the individual who has been there to manage you. You can utilize this as an approach to urge others to try sincerely also, as they will discover your message soothing and motivating.</p><p></p><p>Thank you messages for continue composing are one of the best methods for telling others that you value their assistance. The messages are quick and painless, however pass on your appreciation such that others will hear. You will get known for your difficult work and your uplifting disposition and will turn into the go-to individual for work interviews.</p><p></p><p>Although work chasing can be troublesome, havin g an extraordinary email for continue composing will permit you to transform any pursuit of employment into a positive encounter. Your resume can turn out to be progressively alluring and constructive when you incorporate an individual touch and an email for continue composing will assist you with connecting to those that will peruse it.</p>

Monday, July 6, 2020

Becoming a Telephone Triage Nurse

Turning into a Telephone Triage Nurse Turning into a Telephone Triage Nurse Phone triage nursing passes by a couple of various names, including telehealth nursing and telepathology. This credentialed clinical claim to fame was intended to help patients in prompt need who can't get to a specialist's office or emergency clinic. The forte is likewise intended to enable the individuals who to don't have essential consideration doctors. The phone triage nurture attempts to decide the degree of care a patient needs and aides the circumstance to a goals. Not at all like nearby medical attendants, these experts must assistance patients simply by talking with them on the telephone. Most clinical experts working in this field are authorized medical attendants and are most ordinarily alluded to as phone triage attendants. The Telephone Triage Nurse Profession A phone triage nurture is accused of everything from working with patients to decide whether they have to look for crisis treatment, to training them to make a meeting with a specialist, to encouraging them how to treat themselves at home. The basic job of a phone triage nurture is to assist patients with evaluating the seriousness of their medical issue sparing them an outing to the specialists office or an excursion to the crisis room. This administration is particularly valuable for homebound patients, those in provincial regions who cannot get to an office, or those incapable to pay for clinical administrations. Moreover, phone triage medical attendants assist specialists with decreasing their patient burden so they can see patients in progressively basic need-consequently the word triage. As a result of their work, phone triage nurture likewise help decrease congestion and holding up time in crisis clinical offices, for example, critical consideration habitats and medical clinic crisis rooms. Since phone triage administrations are operational day in and day out, phone triage attendants may need to show up on Saturday or Sunday, night moves, and occasions. Preparing To turn into a phone triage nurture, the principal thing you have to do is procure your nursing degree or confirmation. From that point forward, you should breeze through the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). Extra confirmation as a mobile consideration nurture is recommended and will build ones odds of finding a new line of work. The affirmation is offered by the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing and is valuable in light of the fact that a segment of the test centers around phone triage. On the off chance that you need to take the test, you have to have just performed at any rate 2,000 hours of nursing involvement with a clinical setting. Necessary Skills Notwithstanding the undeniable clinical preparing, phone triage attendants must have fantastic relational abilities above everything else. Likewise, they must be deft and think and react quickly in light of the fact that medical issues arent static-they can decline whenever. Phone triage attendants must try to avoid panicking all through the discussion, being sympathetic and truly tuning in to patients. They additionally must have the option to evaluate every circumstance rapidly. Work environments One of the benefits of this profession way is that phone triage attendants can discover work in a huge number of conditions most strikingly committed phone triage administration focuses. All things considered, occupations are likewise accessible in doctors workplaces, medical clinics, outpatient care offices, injury focuses, poison control focuses, and emergency hotlines. A Typical Call The principal thing a remote medical caretaker does is arrange essential data about the patient. The medical caretaker discovers the people age, sex, weight, and tallness all of these add to the general evaluation. Next, the medical attendant asks if the patient has any known sicknesses or progressing medical problems, for example, diabetes, hypertension, a past filled with alarm assaults, or a realized heart condition. To precisely evaluate the patients circumstance, the medical attendant must get the patient to depict the side effects as precisely as could be expected under the circumstances. For instance, for a patient who whines of feeling tipsy, the medical attendant may ask whether they feel unsteady, black out, or frail. When sure that all the important data has been gathered, the phone triage medical caretaker can suggest a strategy. For instance, if the evaluation is that the patient is experiencing heat fatigue, the patient would be coordinated to drink liquids and discover a cooled space to rest in. On the off chance that a patient is draining vigorously from a cooking mishap, the phone triage attendant would guide the patient to pack the injury and look for sure fire clinical consideration. Likewise, in light of the seriousness of the medical problem, the attendant will decide whether the patient should plan a subsequent encounter with their general specialist (GP). Imagine a scenario where a Patient Doesnt Have a GP. Numerous patients dont have the cash to visit a general professional all the time. Hence, medical caretakers may likewise apportion data they think the patient needs from a social government assistance point of view. For instance, they may guide low-pay people to programs that can give monetary guide. Professionals of Being a Telephone Triage Nurse The professionals in this calling are as per the following: Youre just managing one patient at a time.You feel acknowledged in light of the fact that you helped somebody in need.Theres no perpetual administrative work to fill out.After a call, you have a feeling of achievement since you finished an undertaking and you can proceed onward to the following call.Theres no dread of getting a transmittable illness, for example, tuberculosis.You dont need to manage needles and infusions, which can be challenging.You dont need to endure patients who gripe about each throb and torment on the grounds that (generally) youre managing a genuine medical problem. Cons of Being a Telephone Triage Nurse The cons of this calling are as per the following: You could help spare a real existence however you dont get the opportunity to perceive how somebody improved dependent on your advice.You need to depend on someones capacity to portray something troublesome, for example, a rash.It can be upsetting taking a shot at your own when managing a genuinely sick patient.People will in general be less respectful on the telephone since they cannot see the individual behind the voice. Your manner of speaking must be right on target in light of the fact that a patient cannot see your outward appearances, which convey a great deal face to face. Pay and Job Outlook As per, as of June 2018, a RN staff nurture, telephone triage worker wins a middle pay of $71,931, with a scope of $65,635 and $81,344. While the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) doesn't post pay rates for enlisted triage attendants, it posts a practically identical middle compensation of $70,000 for enrolled medical caretakers. What's more, as indicated by the BLS, work of enlisted medical caretakers is anticipated to grow 15 percent from 2016 to 2026. This is a lot quicker than the normal for all occupations because of business development in the field as the populace ages and the need to supplant laborers who will be resigning over the coming decade.