Friday, December 27, 2019

4 ways to help get over career bitterness

4 ways to help get over career bitterness4 ways to help get over career bitternessWhen disappointments inevitably happen at work, we can make the mistake of letting that emotion fester into bitterness. Instead of processing our feelings, we let it stew inside of us. Why did he get the promotion over me? Why am I missing time with my family to make this report? Heres how to healthily process everyday work disappointments, so that you wont get consumed with unhelpful bitternessIdentify the causeThe first step in letting go of unhealthy bitterness is recognizing that its there and accepting responsibility for it. If you dont, youll become increasingly disengaged with the work you do.Burnout is about resentment, Marissa Meyer, the former Yahoo CEO once said. Its about knowing what matters to you so much that if you dont get it that youre resentful.Understand that there are usually underlying vulnerabilities behind work bitterness. Your job is to figure out what exactly is causing you to feel upset.As social worker Dan Maher advises resentful people in Psychology Today, Observe it. Allow it to simply be. Hold it. Visualize putting space around it. Notice what happens. Practice identifying and allowing yourself to feel the underlying emotions that anger may be superimposed upon- such as hurt orfear.Separate fact from fiction in your feelingsWhen you feel resentment, you are telling yourself a story about your circumstance that may leid be entirely true. Joseph Grenny, a business social scientist, says that part of reckoning with your resentment is separating your personal nightmares from the realities. To do this, you need to name the roles in the story you assign yourself. That way, you can see if your frustrations are legitimate or notIs it avictimstory - one that emphasizes my virtues and absolves me of responsibility for what is happening?Is it avillainstory - one that exaggerates the faults of others and attributes whats happening to their evil motives?Is it ahelplessstory - one that convinces me that any healthy course of action (like listening humbly, speaking up honestly) is pointless? Naming my stories helps me see them for what they are.Put the resentment in perspectiveReframe your bitterness from an unhealthy obsession to one that can be a useful signal for change.To do this perspective shift, you need to understand that disappointments and hurt are part of what it means to be human, and pangs of jealousy over your peers work achievements are normal. Brittany Luse, producer and podcast host at Gimlet Media, advises employees to be on the lookout for these emotions. That way you can catch them before they become insurmountable resentmentsInstead of letting your emotions feel like a catastrophe, see these setbacks as signals you need to switch paths. Take it from Oprah.Oprah Winfrey, the media mogul and master advice giver, says she does not believe in mistakes, choosing to reframe these setbacks as learning momentsThere is a supre me moment of destiny calling on your life. Your job is to feel that, to hear that, to know that.And sometimes when youre not listening, you get taken off track. You get in the wrong marriage, the wrong relationship, you take the wrong job, but its all leading to the same path. There are no wrong paths, she toldStanford Graduate School of Business students.Channel the resentment into useful actionsAfter you identify and mentally process the source of your bitterness, it can also be helpful to work through them through action. Maher says that physical expressions of your disappointment can be a healthy coping strategy Share these feelings with safe, supportive individuals whom you trust. Journal or write about them. Discharge them through physical activity by working out.Journaling about your fears is a science-backed way to productively worry becauselabeling emotions through writing helps us put them in perspective.Tiny annoyances and petty feuds can build into mountains of resentmen t if you are not careful. Thats why mastering your emotions is so important. When you learn how to own and honor your emotions without letting them control you, you become the master of your own career.

Monday, December 23, 2019

5 Keys to Doing a Back Ground Check on Potential Employees

5 Keys to Doing a Back Ground Check on Potential Employees5 Keys to Doing a Back Ground Check on Potential Employeeshintergrund checks are a critical component in hiring. When it comes to your business, you cannot afford to make a poor hiring decision. In fact, for fruchtwein small-mid-sized businesses, one bad hire can make the difference between success and failure. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 30% of small business failure is caused by employee theft. Effective hintergrund checks mitigate your risk of hiring objectionable, or even dangerous, employees. In todays economic environment, every business must cut costs anywhere they can. Your business is no different and your survival depends on figuring out where you can save money. One of the biggest expenses for businesses is locating, interviewing, and training new talent. Therefore, a hiring decision should be made with careful thought and consideration. One of the best and most cost-effective ways to ensure that you make a smart hiring decision is to prescreen candidates through background checks. Not only do background checks cut down on bad hiring decisions, but background checks also proactively protect your company. Here are some of the basics about background checks that you need to know that will assist you to keep your employees safe. Protect Your Legal Liability With Background Checks Small businesses often forgo candidate background checks for one of two reasons. The first is the false sense of security and trust that small business owners develop working closely with their employees. The second is that most business owners dont understand the legal liabilities associated with candidate screening and background checks. Any business in which employees interact with or provide a direct service to customers, such as daycare or contractors, is liable if an employee does harm to a customer and it turns out that the employee had a previous history of wrongdoing. A small or medium-sized b usiness may never recover from such a lawsuit. You may also find that your business insurance provider offers a discount on coverage if you do background checks to pre-screen when hiring your employees. Select Vendors to Do Background Checks Because of qualifikation employer liability and to protect the interests of your workplace and your customers, work with a background screening company you trust. While employers can do background checking on their own, working with a reputable, experienced company can ensure the thoroughness and reliability of the background screening. Before choosing a company to help you with background checks, research and make sure it is the best service for your companys needs. Companies that do background checks come in all shapes and sizes and are built to service different types of customers. Make sure that the company you choose to do your background checks has a toll-free number answered by a real person who can help with your questions. In additi on, when selecting the company that will do your background checks, ask to speak to previous customers. Do a Google search to see what comes up when you research the company. If a company has few or negative results, move on and use a different provider of background checks. Purchasing instant public records is not appropriate for doing fhigkeit employee background checks. If you confirm your hiring decisions based on that type of public record data, you can find your company in hot water. The instant databases out there are just that- databases. Most do not fact check, clean up, or refresh their information very often, if ever. In order to perform background checks, you must have the qualifikation employees consent. (Many job applications have a line for the signature of the employee authorizing the potential employer to do background checks.) In addition, a reputable company, that provides background checks, will make sure that the data you receive is current and, most importantl y, accurate. Understand the Fair Credit Reporting Act Before Background Checks The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) was set up to protect a job seekers privacy rights and to give them recourse if an employer makes a hiring decision based on inaccurate data found during background checks. First, an employer must get a job seekers written consent to perform background checks. Second, if an employer makes a hiring decision based on information found from the background checks, they must inform the job seeker of the source used for the background checks (which is where the instant sources and databases can get your company in trouble). Compliance with the FCRA is easy once you know what to do and a good background checking company will help you as well. Pay for Only the Background Checks You Need One common trend in companies that do background checks is to encourage businesses to purchase every piece of information they can find about a potential employee and charge a lot for t hese background checks. If your business needs to know everything about a potential employee, by all means, go pay for these extensive background checks. However, if you are hiring a teleworking employee to program your website, as an example, a reference check, a criminal background check, and a technical certification background check should be all you need. Supplement Background Checks With Web Searches You can and should supplement your background checks with a web search. Since anyone can enter anything they want on a social network profile, doing a Google search is not a source of trustworthy information about a potential employees background. However, the web search is a great supplement to background checks because you can obtain insight into who the person is and what types of things they blog about or write on their profiles. Dont just look for reasons not to hire the potential employee, however you might actually confirm your hiring decision. You may find that, in add ition to his or her positive background checks, your potential employee is extremely smart and passionate about their profession and that your company cant live without them. You can create a happy ending- for both the employer and the employee- through effective background checks. DisclaimerPlease note that the information provided, while authoritative, is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality. The site is read by a world-wide audience and employment laws and regulations vary from state to state and country to country. Please seek legal assistance, or assistance from State, Federal, or International governmental resources, to make certain your legal interpretation and decisions are correct for your location. This information is for guidance, ideas, and assistance.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How to turn bad into good An 8-point to-do list

How to turn bad into good An 8-point to-do listHow to turn bad into good An 8-point to-do listSlamming my laptop shut, I stormed out of the office.It was only 1145 A.M., and the program I needed for 95% of my work that day had just crashed for the 6th time.Before thatPeople had interrupted my revered, introverted silence no less than 8 times before 1000.Before thatThe dog barked incessantly to be let out for 20 minutes straight. And then barked to get back in. And then barked to get out again.Before thatId accidentally left out the meat out on the counter overnight, causing it to spoil and stink.Before thatI saw the quality of my latest video, realized it was garbage, and wondered aloud why I hadnt managed to get consistent quality after 108 videos.The stew of angst and disappointment and rage had boiled into a fever pitch, leaving me feeling more than a little murderous.It was, as my favorite storybook character would describe it, a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.I hadnt even had lunch yet.- - - After Amy Winehouse died, her family created a foundation for young artists likely to fall into similar trappings as the late vocalist. Her brother, Alex, quit his career as a music journalist to do so.The foundation has worked with nearly a quarter of a 1000000 students in the seven years since her death.Substance abuse claimed one Winehouse. This gave the others incentive to claim a potential 250,000+ from the same fate.This is an extraordinary thing.On my bad day, here are a few other things I didI wrote an encouraging post.I sent a few emails to good friends.I completed a piece of video work ahead of schedule.I walked 4.2 miles (crossing my 10,000 daily step goal).I apologized to Kate when she came home and told her I loved her.I spent time with family over dinner.These are not extraordinary things.But as it turns out. It doesnt matter.And thats the secret.Do good things when you have bad days.Do good things when you feel bad.Do good things.Start with theseMuch love as always ?- Todd BI make it a habit of researching creative geniuses (like Winehouse). If that sort of thing gets you going, you may enjoy these pieces onPablo PicassoAlbert EinsteinT.S. EliotThisarticlefirst appeared on Medium.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Its a fact Your perfectionism isnt helping your performance at work

Its a fact Your perfectionism isnt helping your wertzuwachs at workIts a fact Your perfectionism isnt helping your performance at workPerfectionists, heal thyself. Your excellence-chasing isnt helping your performance in the workplace.Harvard Business Review went through four decades of studies on perfectionism encompassing almost 25,000 people in order to find an answer to this question Are perfectionists better performers at work?The answer welches no. In fact, perfectionism, they found, was a significant weakness at work. (Just like the coy answer to the classic job interview question).There are still positives about perfectionists they strive to produce the highest level of work, put in longer hours, and theyre more motivated and engaged.However, perfectionism comes with a boatload of negatives. Perfectionists have a higher likelihood to be inflexible, they set unreasonably high standards, posses an overly critical self-assessment of themselves, take a black-and-white view abou t their performance, and have a tendency to tie their self worth to their performance.Moreover, they also have higher levels of stress, burnout, and anxiety, according to studies.There are two types of perfectionists, identified by research. Excellence-seeking perfectionists demand high standards not only for themselves, but for the people around them. Those with this type tend to get more of the positive effects of perfectionism.Failure-avoiding perfectionists, on the other hands, are more motivated by the idea that they are not good enough, and that they will lose face if they arent perfect. Those types tend to inherit more of the negative aspects of perfectionism. Of course, the two types can overlap in one person.Most interestingly, however, results showed that performance and perfectionism were not related to each other - perfectionists are not better or worse performers than non-perfectionists. Even employees high in excellence-seeking perfectionism were not better performers. So since nothing you can do will make a real difference, feel free to chill out and take some steps to curb your toxic perfectionism before it takes over your life.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Insider Secret on Hotel General Manager Resume Revealed

The Insider Secret on gasthof General Manager Resume Revealed What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Hotel General Manager Resume While having a general manager job description sample can go a very long way in earning your search for a new manager much easier, you could have a situation where the above outline simply doesnt satisfy your distinct needs. In the majority of situations, the ideal length for your resume is 1 page. Blank spaces on your premises manager resume call for the great stuff. There are various formatting styles you may use in resume writing and it all depends to the sort of managerial position youre applying for. The Downside Risk of Hotel General Manager Resume Many employers cross-reference your resume to your on-line presence. Do not include your high school diploma unless its the sole education designation youve got. An MBA qualification is an increasingly common way for managers to enhance their business abilities. The very first key is to realize h ow resumes are organized. Hotel General Manager Resume - Overview You must go live for sales three or more months before opening in a city bettenburg, and if youre a resort in a summer destination, you must be prepared to 6 month prior. As rooms division manager you may do the job anywhere, because many hotels in every city or region are continuously on the lookout for competent and trustworthy staff and thus provide several jobs. County health inspectors may drop by your hotel at random to be certain youre following guidelines. The hotel has to be run according to certain standards. Your guests begin to develop their impression of your hotel with the very first review they read on the internet, and continue to evaluate your property right up to when theyre prepared to leave their own review. It is essential for the hotel manager to participate in all details of the hotel operations. Make certain that you are interviewing the very best hotel managers. Running a hotel has a selection of responsibilities. To learn more on what it requires to be a General Manager, have a look at our complete General Manager Job Description. The Hotel General Manager can have other obligations and theyre dependent on the kind of hotel. Your manager resume should also concentrate on your preceding immersion in the business of the business you are applying to. General managers handle a broader scope of duties, and thus theyre necessary at a broader sortiment of organizations. An overall manager is going to be expected to plan, organize, lead and manage the everyday operations of a company, region, operating unit or division. For instance, at technology businesses, the overall manager is occasionally known as the item manager. Vital Pieces of Hotel General Manager Resume The sound level in the job environment is usually moderate. Finding a job is a process which involves quite a few steps and it all starts with your resume. On account of the technical nature of th e job, its important that you highlight skills and experience. Some maintenance abilities and baking skills would be useful. Please get in touch with us to find out more about our professional resume writing services. Take a look at the overall manager resume example at a better understanding. Writing a good resume can be an intimidating challenge. For instance, if you speak many languages, use them to your benefit. Finding Hotel General Manager Resume Online ausverkauf directors appearing to recognize the reps whod thrive as sales managers would be advisable to incorporate these questions in their interviews. Sales managers have to be in a position to lead through example and inspire other people to action. General managers dont have a simple job, which is the reason why you should put additional effort into your general manager resume. Selecting a sales manager is a huge step for virtually any organization. Conclusion If youre a recruiter, HR manager, or employer in the practice of hiring someone for the overall manager position in your hotel, you must clearly let prospective candidates are aware of what the job entails in relation to the duties and responsibilities theyll be assigned. Under each job, attempt to spell out why you are much better than other candidates. Interested candidates can see the property at They can view the property at

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Entry Level Hiring [Infographic] - Spark Hire

Entry Level Hiring Infographic - Spark HireCommencements have commenced, and vast numbers of recent grads are now on the hunt for their first job as degree holders. Of course, not all entry level positions require a college degree, but many of them do. Either way, entry level hiring can be tricky due to a dearth of concrete work experience. What is your entry level hiring strategy? Check out this infographic from Santosh Kumar(full size below) with some interesting facts and figures on the subject.First of all, this infographic tackles an important question why is entry level hiring so important for your business? Why not just wait for these recent grads to age five years, and then hire them? Although savings on salary is often touted as an advantage of hiring recent grads (we havent learned yet that Ramen noodles arent real food), a People Matters survey ranked cost as only the 3rd most important reason to hire recent grads. 73% of 174 HR and business professionals surveyed said tha t entry level hiring is critical because it Builds an internal talent pipeline. 63% cited new ideas and perspectives as a valuable asset. Only 16% listed productivity as a critical advantage of recent grads Is this justified?In addition to that 16% figure, the infographic does point out a few other negative aspects to the entry level hiring atmosphere. The pie-charts in the lower left show that the surveyed HR professionals are more concerned about the quality of candidates, as opposed to the quantity of candidates. While it would be hard to argue that quantity is a problem in the current job market, the assertion that quality is an issue is a little troubling.The Top 4 Problems in Todays Education System puts a finer point on the situation. A vast majority of professionals agree that colleges/universities struggle to provide practical knowledge, expose students to workplace skills, and adjust curriculum to industry standards.In fact, when it comes to entry level hiring, HR professi onals also agree that educational and vocational experience is greatly preferred. Recent grads and other entry level hires who have vocational training generally understand their new position and basic tasks more quickly, and take less overall time to train. It seems that many professionals feel that vocational training helps entry level workers gain the skills that colleges/universities sometimes fail to provide.However, they can be taught Although entry level hires with vocational skills are often preferred, businesses still take the training of entry level employees very seriously. 97% say that training is a MUST to make entry level hires productive (or any new employee productive, I would say). Check out the lion tamer graphic. The vast majority of surveyed professionals also conduct said training in-house and in structured programs.This infographic has a lot of information, positive and negative, about the prospect of hiring recent grads and other entry levels.What do you think ? Are the stated problems with recent grads real problems? What experiences have you had? Spark a conversation below.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Female Lawyers Only Argue 15 Percent of SCOTUS Cases but Tha

Female Lawyers Only Argue 15 Percent of SCOTUS Cases but ThaFemale Lawyers Only Argue 15 Percent of SCOTUS Cases but ThaThe legal career divide between men and women is looking even broader after a report that women argue a measly 15 percent of the cases that go before the Supreme Court. Lisa Blatt has argued before the Court 30 times and suggests that women seem less inclined to enjoy the verbal jousting. Patricia Millett, who has argued before the Court 28 times, offers an alternative explanation women self-select out of the opportunities that help build such a career, and family may be the reason why.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Career Degrees #8211; Why to Get Them

Career Degrees 8211 Why to Get Them Career Degrees 8211 Why to Get Them This represents a practical consideration for earning a professional career degree, as you can substantially increase your earning power. Various organizations, such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics, post data showing that with each level of advanced education, an individual earns significantly more than those with less education. For instance, someone with a bachelors degree can earn twice as much as someone with only a high school diploma, over an average lifetime of full time employment. Furthermore, someone with an advanced degree, such as an MBA, Ph.D., or a professional degree, earns progressively higher wages and salaries, respectively.Numerous colleges and universities today offer professional education in the form of certificate programs, as well as career degree programs. Busy adult learners often can enroll in online programs, allowing them to find time to earn career degrees even while they continu e to work and fulfill other obligations. Online education, or e-learning, may provide you with the opportunity to find the appropriate school for your career aspirations and earn the career degree that will allow you to gain a promotion or enter an entirely new career field.As an example, an MBA is one of the fruchtwein sought after career degrees to obtain. In fact, it typically carries the designation of a gold voreingestellt among high caliber companies that expect only the best highly trained managerial professionals. In addition, professionals who choose to pursue an MBA career degree can choose from among dozens of specialties to make themselves even greater assets in their careers. For example, just a few MBA concentrations include the following accounting, entrepreneurship, healthcare management, human resources, IT management, organizational management, project management, and risk management.There are dozens of other popular certificate programs widely available in career education. Many of these also include concentrations, just like the MBA degree programs do. For example, a professional may choose to enroll in a certificate program in criminal justice and choose the forensics concentration. Other options may be an education or teaching certificate program specializing in instructional technology, or a technology certificate program concentrating on database technology.In conclusion, choosing to pursue career degrees is advantageous in most cases. You can place yourself in a more favorable position for career advancement or new career entry, and significantly increase your earning power.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The 18 questions to ask in an informational interview

The 18 questions to ask in an informational einstellungsgesprchThe 18 questions to ask in an informational bewerbungsgesprchInformational interviews can be extremely beneficial ways to build contacts in your industry, uncover hidden job markets, and learn mora about the hiring process. In order to get all the advice you need, prepare a list of questions to ask in an informational interview that you can use each time you meet with a professional contact. Ladders compiled a list here to help get you started.First, lets dive into what an informational interview actually is, why you want as many as you can get, and how to land them.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraWhat is an informational interview?An informational interview is a meeting that you can set up in order to learn more about a position, company, or industry.You should always attempt to land a face-to-face informational int erview as these will be most useful in the relationship building process. Ask your professional contact if they have time to grab lunch or a coffee- your treat, of course.Use this informational interview email sample to guarantee that a professional industry contact agrees to speak with you.Conducting multiple informational interviews is the most effective way to enter into your industry, according to Bob Martin, the assistant dean for internships and career placement in the Bellasario College of Communications at Penn State University. Now weve got a network of people who know you, your skills, knowledge and experience and believe youre qualified, Martin said. Hopefully when they hear about that entry level job that theyre not interested in, because theyre on their third or fourth promotion, they think of you instantaneously.Make the most out of your conversation by using this list of questions to ask in an informational interview.These are the important questions to ask in an info rmational interview if you only have 10 minutesHow did you break into this industry?What do you recommend for someone like me who is looking to land an entry level job?Can I forward you my resume and have you take a quick look at it?Id love to stay in contact, what form of communication is best for you?15 questions to ask in an informational interview if you have one hourHow did you get into the business?Did you have internships in college?What was your first role after graduation?What did you do when you were in my exact position?Did you make any mistakes during your job search?When and how did you start your job search?What strategies did you employ to find your first post-graduation job?Which strategies were effective? Which were not?What advice do you have for me as a young professional?How can I get started gaining experience?Heres my resume, can you look at it for 30 seconds and tell me your thoughts?Heres my portfolio/e-portfolio, can you look it over for a few minutes and te ll me what you think?Here are my job search strategies, is there anything in this process that Im missing?Now that you know how I am positioning myself with my resume and portfolio, do I seem like a strong candidate for an entry-level position in this industry?If not, what should I do differently?3 magic questions to ask in an informational interview at the end of the conversationWhat advice do you have for me as an entry level candidate whos interested in doing what you do?Who are the other people with whom I should be having these conversations?Id love to stay in touch, whats the best way to do that for you?These magic questions are relationship building questions and they have to go after youve built a relationship, otherwise they feel hollow, said Heidi Robinson, director ofcareer education and training at Wake Forest University.The second question may provide you with some additional contacts, which could turn into more informational interviews and possibly a job opportunity. A ccording to Robinson, an upcoming graduate should get ready to have multiple informational interviews per week if theyre serious about landing a job.The last magic question is important in order to keep this connection alive. By asking what method of communication is best for the contact, youre showing your value their time and preferences.The one question not to ask in an informational interviewAnyone conducting an informational interview should not ask, Can you get me a job? This question turns an informational interview into a transactional experience because your contact can only answer with a yes or a no. This type of experience doesnt do much for relationship building.Additionally, you will most likely be meeting this professional contact for the first time during this informational interview. A serious industry professional will not be ready to put their name to you, which is what youre asking them to do by recommending you for a position. If you impress them during the infor mational interview, youre off to a great start for building a relationship with someone who may be able to recommend you for a role down the road.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people