Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Do you feel too ill and too tired for other things

Do you feel too ill and too tired for other thingsYou seemed to fall off from your seat after your friend noticed your frazzled expression the other weekend. You seemed to be suffering from the lack of time off, he said. There was no need to be ashamed of it, he added. The birds and the bees would experience the same thing, he pointed out. It crossed your mind if he ever considered waiting for your reaction, as you wondered how you ended up in the food chain. But you gave it some thought.Has the balance between work and life gone wrong? You were unable to answer the question right away, so you did a self-evaluation. This is how it wentPersonality check-up. You recalled your job interview, where you didnt hesitate to show that you could take charge when you would be assigned to lead a task. And you could be a team player. In fact, your colleagues would appreciate at how you looked at their good side. You werent attempting to butter up, as this would be the best way to achieve a harmon ious atmosphere in the office. You were aware that role playing could play a part especially if there would be personality clashes and other kinds of uneasy instances. But you were glad that it didnt happen. Yet. Furthermore, you dont think there was something missing on your side.You werent the weakest link in your team. You havent heard any rumors about you particularly the ones alluding to your performance. You havent bungled up on any tasks, and you didnt notice any body language(s) that would indicate that your colleagues dont fancy working with you.You dont have the symptoms of British disease. You dont have any drug or alcohol problems. In fact, your coursemates couldnt figure you out. There were slighted feelings when one of them suggested that you might be tight, which prompted you to drink several glasses of red wine. (You made a resolution ever since.) You werent suffering from irritable bowel syndrome as well, even reduced sex drive. This would lead to the next item.You dont have sleeping problems. You werent anxious about your current state, but you would be guilty of surfing the Internet past your sleeping time on several occasions.You werent losing interest in your love life. You could meet your old buddies (for a drink). And you would plan to volunteer for a cause. You must expand your network, where you could meet new people. Theres no need to rush.You might need to plan your holiday, but youre rather content with looking at online images of tourist spots. Moreover, you could be energetic at times. It would surprise your colleagues. (You would deny that you were part of the varsity.) There were little mistakes, but you were quick to make up for it. (And your boss knew your worth in the office.) Perhaps you were leaning a little bit towards work. It could make you anxious at times, which you would be unaware of. And your colleagues noticed it. You resolved not to be too serious about it, but it wont mean that you would lose your focus. Read all news

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